typedef struct tagnode { int value; tagnode *ppre; tagnode *pnext; }node; class clist { public: clist(); clist(size_t n); ~clist(); bool pushback(int value); bool popback(int &value); bool insert(int pos, int value); bool delete(int pos); bool isempty(); int getlength(); void print(); // to iterate the list bool hasnext(); int next(); private: int m_ilength; node *m_pcurrent; node *m_phead; node *m_ptail; };
- 访问一个聚合对象的内容而无需暴露它的内部表示;
- 支持对聚合对象的多种遍历(从前到后,从后到前);
- 为遍历不同的聚合结构提供一个统一的接口,即支持多态迭代。
- 它支持以不同的方式遍历一个聚合,甚至都可以自己定义迭代器的子类以支持新的遍历;
- 迭代器简化了聚合的接口,有了迭代器的遍历接口,聚合本身就不再需要类似的遍历接口了。这样就简化了聚合的接口;
- 在同一个聚合上可以有多个遍历,每个迭代器保持它自己的遍历状态;因此,我们可以同时进行多个遍历。
#includeusing namespace std; typedef struct tagnode { int value; tagnode *pnext; }node; class jtlist { public: jtlist() : m_phead(null), m_ptail(null){}; jtlist(const jtlist &); ~jtlist(); jtlist &operator=(const jtlist &); long getcount() const; node *get(const long index) const; node *first() const; node *last() const; bool includes(const int &) const; void append(const int &); void remove(node *pnode); void removeall(); private: node *m_phead; node *m_ptail; long m_lcount; }; class iterator { public: virtual void first() = 0; virtual void next() = 0; virtual bool isdone() const = 0; virtual node *currentitem() const = 0; }; class jtlistiterator : public iterator { public: jtlistiterator(jtlist *plist) : m_pjtlist(plist), m_pcurrent(null){} virtual void first(); virtual void next(); virtual bool isdone() const; virtual node *currentitem() const; private: jtlist *m_pjtlist; node *m_pcurrent; }; jtlist::~jtlist() { node *pcurrent = m_phead; node *pnextnode = null; while (pcurrent) { pnextnode = pcurrent->pnext; delete pcurrent; pcurrent = pnextnode; } } long jtlist::getcount()const { return m_lcount; } node *jtlist::get(const long index) const { // the min index is 0, max index is count - 1 if (index > m_lcount - 1 || index < 0) { return null; } int ipostemp = 0; node *pnodetemp = m_phead; while (pnodetemp) { if (index == ipostemp ) { return pnodetemp; } pnodetemp = pnodetemp->pnext; } return null; } node *jtlist::first() const { return m_phead; } node *jtlist::last() const { return m_ptail; } bool jtlist::includes(const int &value) const { node *pnodetemp = m_phead; while (pnodetemp) { if (value == pnodetemp->value) { return true; } pnodetemp = pnodetemp->pnext; } return false; } void jtlist::append(const int &value) { // create the new node node *pinsertnode = new node; pinsertnode->value = value; pinsertnode->pnext = null; // this list is empty if (m_phead == null) { m_phead = m_ptail = pinsertnode; } else { m_ptail->pnext = pinsertnode; m_ptail = pinsertnode; } m_lcount; } void jtlist::remove(node *pnode) { if (pnode == null || m_phead == null || m_ptail == null) { return; } if (pnode == m_phead) // if the deleting node is head node { node *pnewhead = m_phead->pnext; m_phead = pnewhead; } else { // to get the deleting node's previous node node *ppreviousnode = null; node *pcurrentnode = m_phead; while (pcurrentnode) { ppreviousnode = pcurrentnode; pcurrentnode = pcurrentnode->pnext; if (pcurrentnode == pnode) { break; } } // to get the deleting node's next node node *pnextnode = pnode->pnext; // if pnextnode is null, it means the deleting node is the tail node, we should change the m_ptail pointer if (pnextnode == null) { m_ptail = ppreviousnode; } // relink the list ppreviousnode->pnext = pnextnode; } // delete the node delete pnode; pnode = null; --m_lcount; } void jtlist::removeall() { delete this; } void jtlistiterator::first() { m_pcurrent = m_pjtlist->first(); } void jtlistiterator::next() { m_pcurrent = m_pcurrent->pnext; } bool jtlistiterator::isdone() const { return m_pcurrent == m_pjtlist->last()->pnext; } node *jtlistiterator::currentitem() const { return m_pcurrent; } int main() { jtlist *pjtlist = new jtlist; pjtlist->append(10); pjtlist->append(20); pjtlist->append(30); pjtlist->append(40); pjtlist->append(50); pjtlist->append(60); pjtlist->append(70); pjtlist->append(80); pjtlist->append(90); pjtlist->append(100); iterator *piterator = new jtlistiterator(pjtlist); // print the list by jtlistiterator for (piterator->first(); !piterator->isdone(); piterator->next()) { cout< currentitem()->value<<"->"; } cout<<"null"< first(); !piterator->isdone(); piterator->next()) { pdeletenode = piterator->currentitem(); if (pdeletenode->value == 100) { pjtlist->remove(pdeletenode); break; } } // print the list by jtlistiterator for (piterator->first(); !piterator->isdone(); piterator->next()) { cout< currentitem()->value<<"->"; } cout<<"null"< 代码中实现了一个单向链表,将链表与迭代器解耦。对于多态迭代,添加抽象类abstractjtlist,声明如下:
class abstractjtlist { public: virtual iterator *getiterator() const = 0; };类jtlist继承该抽象类,并实现getiterator,如下:
iterator *jtlist::getiterator() const { return new jtlistiterator(this); }好了,这样的话,在客户端就不用去new jtlistiterator了,只需要这样:
iterator *piterator = pjtlist->getiterator();这就完全好了;但是,这样又出现另外一个问题,我在getiterator中new了一个jtlistiterator,对于客户端来说,我并不知道这个new操作的存在,就会出现客户端不会去释放这个new开辟的内存,那么如何实现这个内存的自动释放呢。好了,就结合迭代器模式,再将之前总结的raii机制再实际运用一次。
class iteratorptr { public: iteratorptr(iterator *piterator) : m_piterator(piterator){} ~iteratorptr() { delete m_piterator; } iterator *operator->(){ return m_piterator; } iterator &operator*() { return *m_piterator; } private: iteratorptr(const iteratorptr &); iteratorptr &operator=(const iteratorptr &); void *operator new(size_t size); void operator delete(void *); private: iterator *m_piterator; };我们在使用的时候,就像下面这样:
iteratorptr piterator(pjtlist->getiterator());这样就省去了释放迭代器的麻烦了。这里一共涉及了三个demo工程,提供完整demo工程下载。(工程下载)