
mysql根据select查询结果 循环更改-ag真人游戏

从一表中查询出一列数据,根据这一列数据来从另外一表中进行 判断修改等操作

	declare done tinyint default 0;
	declare uid int(11);
	declare cs cursor for select userid from tbuser_red_envelope_award_log where fromactiveid="1454136362";
	declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set done=1;
	open cs;
	while done<>1 do
    fetch cs into uid;
		select giftnum into @giftnum from tbuser_red_envelope_award_log where userid=uid and gifttemplateid=101;
		if exists(select id from tbuser_bag where awardnum>=@giftnum and userid=uid and gifttemplateid=101)then 
			update tbuser_bag set awardnum=awardnum-@giftnum where awardnum>=@giftnum and userid=uid and gifttemplateid=101;
		end if;
		if exists(select id from tbuser_bag_exchange where userid=uid and excnum>=@giftnum-5 and addtime>"2016-01-30 18:00:00")then
			update tbuser_bag_exchange set excnum=excnum-@giftnum,exctotalscore=exctotalscore-@giftnum  where userid=uid and excnum>=@giftnum-5 and addtime>"2016-01-30 18:00:00";
		end if;
		delete from tbuser_bag_exchange where excnum<=0 and addtime>"2016-01-30 18:00:00";
	end while;
	close cs;	


		declare $gameid int;			
		declare stop int default 0;
		declare game_id cursor for select id from tbgames_box_activity;
		declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set stop=1;
		open  game_id;
		fetch game_id into $gameid;
		while stop <> 1 do
				set @today = concat(date(now())," 00:00:01");
				if exists(select id  from tbgames_box_activity where id = $gameid and addtime<@today and isopen=1 limit 1) then
					select awardpool,smallawardboxnum,awardalloctype,awardpooltype,awardpoolremainder into @awardpool, @smallawardboxnum,@awardalloctype,@awardpooltype,@awardpoolremainder 
							from tbgames_box_activity where id = $gameid and addtime<@today and isopen=1 limit 1;
					if @awardpooltype=0 then
						if @awardalloctype=1 then 
							set @num=floor(1   (rand() * 3));
							update tbgames_box_activity set awardpoolremainder=@awardpool @awardpoolremainder,realboxnum=@smallawardboxnum,addtime=now(),bigawardboxnum=@num where id = $gameid and addtime<@today;
							update tbgames_box_activity set awardpoolremainder=@awardpool @awardpoolremainder,realboxnum=@smallawardboxnum,addtime=now() where id = $gameid and addtime<@today;
						end if;
						if @awardalloctype=1 then 
							set @num=floor(1   (rand() * 3));
							update tbgames_box_activity set awardpoolremainder=@awardpool,realboxnum=@smallawardboxnum,addtime=now(),bigawardboxnum=@num where id = $gameid and addtime<@today;
							update tbgames_box_activity set awardpoolremainder=@awardpool,realboxnum=@smallawardboxnum,addtime=now() where id = $gameid and addtime<@today;
						end if;
					end if;
				end if;	
		fetch game_id into $gameid;  
		end while; 
		close game_id;